Wednesday, 24 August 2011

your dog is like your toddler

Have you ever noticed that your dog is like your child?   Small, hairy and bounding around on all fours.... well maybe not the hairy bit.

Have you ever noticed that families with well behaved dogs, have well behaved children?  co-incidence?  We think not!   Have you noticed the opposite is also true?

When we have worked with dog behavioural problems we always suggest to people to imagine their dog as a young toddler - very able to absorb directions but less able to communicate in a way familiar to most Adult Humans.  Think of how you might interact with a young child to show them how to behave and to keep them from being naughty.  What method would you use if your child is naughty?  Have you seen a child that knows it has done something wrong (yes, we believe young children can tell the difference) the child approaches you with head lowered, submissive and often placing their head on your lap - in much the same way as a repentant dog?

Do you ask children to behave then reward them with some sort of treat?  How do you toilet train a child?  Have all your answers so far seemed the same as those for dog training??   They should do!  

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