Thursday, 25 August 2011

Dog Food

What do you feed your Children?

Are you happy to feed your Kids junk food, processed ready meals, sweets all the time?  Or do you prefer to give them a balanced diet to make sure they have a long and healthy life?  

What do you feed your Dog?

Are you happy to feed your Dog junk food, processed Animal derivatives, sweets all the time?  Or do you prefer to give them a balanced diet to make sure they have a long and healthy life?

Yes, its the same question!  Many people have already become wise to Childrens nutrition, but good nutrition for Dogs is only slowly catching on.  We are seeing an obesity problem in Kids and a rise in obesity in Dogs.  Apart from a lack of physical (and mental) stimulation, a good diet is key.   Even where there are no signs of obesity, poor nutrition means more illnesses, weaker body tissues and problems in later life.  A young lively pup may seem to do well on the cheapest brands, but when they are older they may suffer from the lack of good nutrition in early life.  That could mean more Vets bills, pharmacy medicines, greater amounts of supplements, poor teeth, a lack of vitality in later years.  

You ARE what you eat - its the same for our pets.   Many of the well advertised familiar brands lack in nutrition.  Unfortunately foods with good nutrition dont seem to have the same advertising budgets (maybe putting the funds into quality ingredients?).  Also it is hard to get the good foods at larger outlets such as supermarkets - the markup for the retailer is just not big enough for big boys (again quality ingredients generally means a higher trade price).

Look around and do some research.  Some people object to better quality foods because of a higher price.  But surely you should provide properly for your Dog as you have chosen to commit to its welfare?   In fact many quality foods are fed in smaller quantities per portion and often weight for weight work out cheaper.  Some cheap foods need to be fed on up to three times the quantity of a quality food.  So a bag of quality food might cost say, £45 for 15 kg Vs £18 for 15kg of a cheap food, but the cheap food might be fed in quantities of 3 times per portion.  In fact the real comparison is £45 Vs £18 (x3) = £54.  Why feed three time the amount?   Well for the Dog to try to extract the right amount of usable nutrition from the cheap food you have to over feed, which leads to .... more poo!!

Use the comments below to tell us what you do......

Do some research on the Internet.  (you could look at our dog food page too!)  
Look at dog nutrition.  By feeding your Dog good food you will be doing right by them and you may also end up saving money!


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