The Lungworm problem is greater in Wales, London and the South East but it increasing in occurrence here in the Midlands.
Lungworm is a parasite that can cause very serious illness in dogs. The adult lungworm lives in a dog's Heart and the major blood vessels that supply the Lungs. Untreated, Lungworm is fatal.
Lungworm is carried by slugs and snails. The larvae develop in the snail or slug host and are transferred into a dog when the snail or slug is eaten. Larvae is then released into the dog where they mature and find their way to the heart and major blood vessels. Here they lay eggs, which develop into larvae, move into the digestive system and exit the dog in the faeces. The faeces are investigated by other slugs and snails and so the larvae move on to be digested by another dog.
The cycle is why the potential fatal disease is increasing in prevalence. We can all help in the fight against Lungworm simply by being aware of the symptoms and PICKING UP OUR DOG'S POO!! Remember if you see someone elses dog defecate and they do not pick it up, it is your dog that may be at risk!!
Signs Of Lungworm
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Breathing difficulties
- Anaemia or problems with blood clotting
- Sickness
There are topical preventative preparations available that are to be applied to the back of the neck. Usual worming tablets are not usually effective against Lungworm. With the correct treatment by a Vet, infected dogs usually make a full recovery.
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