There is a report that several dogs have become ill with eight deaths recorded so far, all since visiting the same path in Yorkshire. The path is located in Cross Hills near Keighley and has now been closed off by the local Police. The area is visited by holiday-makers as well as locals.
There is speculation that this is a malicious poisoning, however as yet, this is unfounded.
Let us really hope that this is not malicious, after all, this means that someone could be deliberately laying down a poison for animals to ingest. Can someone really be this horrible??
If may be that this is a natural substance, from a plant for instance, that the dogs have eaten and been overcome by ill affects.
Any of the possible causes are grim. A person or persons at large indiscriminately poisoning random animals is a frightening prospect but so is the possibility of a plant or creature secreting a toxic substance, after all this may not be confined to living in one path in Yorkshire.
Fingers crossed that a conclusion as to the source can be detected very, very soon and whatever action required is taken. If someone knows of a person that might be doing this they should come forward and tell the relevant authorities. Crimestoppers - 0800 555111 or RSPCA 0300 1234 999.
We all want our Dogs to enjoy their walks and it is important to allow them some freedom to use their noses and explore off lead, we hope all stay safe.
Our hearts go out to the families that have lost their beloved companions
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