Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Lungworm - Why Picking Up Poo is Important

You have probably heard that one of the increasingly prevalent diseases diagnosed in dogs is caused by Lungworm.

The Lungworm problem is greater in Wales, London and the South East but it increasing in occurrence here in the Midlands. 

Lungworm is a  parasite that can cause very serious illness in dogs. The adult lungworm lives in a dog's Heart and the major blood vessels that supply the Lungs. Untreated, Lungworm is fatal.  

Lungworm is carried by slugs and snails.  The larvae develop in the snail or slug host and are transferred into a dog when the snail or slug is eaten.  Larvae is then released into the dog where they mature and find their way to the heart and major blood vessels.  Here they lay eggs, which develop into larvae, move into the digestive system and exit the dog in the faeces.  The faeces are investigated by other slugs and snails and so the larvae move on to be digested by another dog. 

The cycle is why the potential fatal disease is increasing in prevalence.  We can all help in the fight against Lungworm simply by being aware of the symptoms and PICKING UP OUR DOG'S POO!!   Remember if you see someone elses dog defecate and they do not pick it up, it is your dog that may be at risk!! 

Signs Of Lungworm
  • Fatigue 
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Anaemia or problems with blood clotting 
  • Sickness
 Some dogs may not show signs of infection.

There are topical preventative preparations available that are to be applied to the back of the neck.  Usual worming tablets are not usually effective against Lungworm.  With the correct treatment by a Vet, infected dogs usually make a full recovery. 

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Grooming can have its worries and its satisfactions

Good to see some old faces at the grooming studio in Thurcaston today.  Some older than others.

A sweet Long haired Jack Russell came to see us after a fairly long absence caused by a cancerous tumour on her spleen.  She was as sweet as ever and knew not to wriggle making it easier for us to be careful of the wound site.

2 Papillons getting on in Years, 14 and 15, have been coming to us for a while now.  We treat all dogs with care and respect  but when asked to handle Senior and sick dogs consideration for their age and ailments is utmost.   Unfortunately even the best handling in the World cannot prevent natures affects.

One of these old boys was standing on the table one moment groom almost complete, then collapsed, lifeless and frothing at the mouth the next.  A quick check found that he was not breathing and no heartbeat.     He was turned onto his side  and with a swift pulse of 5 chest compressions, air was sucked into his lungs and he began to breath.  Life came back into his eyes, within 5 minutes he was sat up within 10 he was his feisty little self again.   Mum and Dad were thankful that we brought him back from the brink.  Worrying at first, satisfying to see we kept him going!  

Friday, 3 June 2011

Britain's Got Talent - Pip and Puppy

After being fed up to the Canines with the lack of talent on a talent show, I was howling with laughter at Pip and Puppy (thought it was Pip and Buddy?!?)  - great to listen to and certainly great to watch!!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Britain's Got Talent - Mexican Mayhem

Was out walking the family on this lovely balmy June Evening but cut it a little short to return home for Tea and to catch the next 'Big' dog act on BGT - Mexican Mayhem......

Wish I had detoured to the Pub

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Dog poisoned on Yorkshire footpath - In the News

There is a report that several dogs have become ill with eight deaths recorded so far, all since visiting the same path in Yorkshire.    The path is located in Cross Hills near Keighley and has now been closed off by the local Police.  The area is visited by holiday-makers as well as locals.

There is speculation that this is a malicious poisoning, however as yet, this is unfounded.

Let us really hope that this is not malicious, after all, this means that someone could be deliberately laying down a poison for animals to ingest.  Can someone really be this horrible??

If may be that this is a natural substance, from a plant for instance, that the dogs have eaten and been overcome by ill affects.

Any of the possible causes are grim.  A person or persons at large indiscriminately poisoning random animals is a frightening prospect but so is the possibility of a plant or creature secreting a toxic substance, after all this may not be confined to living in one path in Yorkshire.

Fingers crossed that a conclusion as to the source can be detected very, very soon and whatever action required is taken.  If someone knows of a person that might be doing this they should come forward and tell the relevant authorities.  Crimestoppers - 0800 555111 or RSPCA 0300 1234 999.
We all want our Dogs to enjoy their walks and it is important to allow them some freedom to use their noses and explore off lead, we hope all stay safe.

Our hearts go out to the families that have lost their beloved companions

reality TV - The Apprentice

Making Pet food this week - should be mildly interesting ....

Teddy the Poodle

Britain's got Talent .................. hmmmmmm  

Teddy looked like he was having fun and he is getting on.  Missed some of the act as it was obscured by her Bottom

Teddy was definitely the best member of the duo!!